
Contact Shield

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For marketing/influencer/other promo-related inquiries or general information, you can also reach out to my P.A., Rachel
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Do you have a reading group/street team/etc…?

I have a Facebook Reader Group: (

A Street Team:

And a Discord:

Come join other readers who love my books!

What age do you recommend your books for?

Most of my books contain some adult content—a medium amount of ’spice’, swearing, and violence. I wouldn’t suggest them for readers under 18.

What series of yours should I read first?

Many of my series are connected, but they’re written so they can be enjoyed on their own. My two latest ones—Shadows and Crowns and Flame and Sparrow—are both set in the same world, and technically can be read in any order, but Flame and Sparrow comes first chronologically, so a lot of readers start there!

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